Dear brothers and sisters in Yeshua,
We who believe the Bible to be without error, understand that God has a very specific plan for Israel and the Jewish people. His covenant started with Abraham and continues to this day, eternal AND unconditional. This hasn’t stopped the world from ostracizing, demonizing and killing Jewish people. It was only 80 years ago when the Holocaust took place and six million Jews perished. The Jewish people vowed “NEVER AGAIN” and great progress was made, and yet, as we look around the world today, antisemitism is going full-force, and Jewish people are once again being ostracized, demonized and killed. "NEVER AGAIN" seems to have become "OVER AGAIN”. But it doesn’t have to be.
We call on all Christians who love Israel and pray for the Jewish people to continue to do so, but to also put their faith into action. We want to invite you to call or email your local synagogue and/or Jewish Community Center and let them know that YOU WILL NOT BE A BYSTANDER. You can also post the helping hands logo on all your Social Networks and flood the Internet with it.
Let’s be bold and loving in our reach to the Jewish community. They need us and they also need Yeshua, but no-one cares how much you know until they know how much you care!
In Yeshua,
Olivier Melnick, James Kaddis, and Tom Hughes